What is Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga is a method of yoga developed by and named after B.K.S Iyengar in the 1960s. Iyengar Yoga is a very meticulous style of yoga, placing the emphasis on precision and alignment.
The practice is all about the details of your posture (asana) and breath control (pranayama) and is excellent for building strength and flexibility. Iyengar yoga is great for learning the subtleties of correct alignment for all ages and abilities
Who is B.K.S Iyengar?
He taught for over 75 years in all five continents, making yoga accessible and relevant to people everywhere.
He invented many of the yoga props that we use today and explored the benefits of yoga as treatment for a range of serious medical conditions.
What makes Iyengar yoga different?
Iyengar yoga is all about quality of movement rather than quantity, to encourage safety throughout your practice.