Explore the connectivity of body, mind and breath through intelligent asana, radical alignment and essential correctedness. Start with the Basic Beginners move onto Intermediate Beginners course and experience the initial steps in an Iyengar practice which when maintained embodies tremendous physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

During the series (Basic Levels I & II followed by Intermediate) we safely unpack and explore key yoga postures with great awareness in order to build an anatomical, kinaesthetic & energetic relationship with your body. 

Revolving initially around standing poses you will immediately feel the corrective postural effects and the strengthening and opening of the body that yoga offers.

Graduating from the foundations (level I and II) you will be invited to extend your knowledge and experience on the Intermediate course when rotational, balancing and inverted poses are then introduced which will continue to cement the Iyengar methodology within the body and mind bringing further confidence, body and mental awareness and a corresponding feeling of balance and lightness.

Your journey has begun!

Summer Beginners level 2 series:

Mondays 8-9.15pm

Evergreen Hall , Coleford .

Dates: Monday 3rd June – 8th July 2024

Intermediate Beginners series:

Wednesdays 7.30-8.45pm

Evergreen Hall, Coleford

Dates: Wednesday 5th June -10th July 2024

Investment £60 each course



Who is the Basic Beginners Series for:

  • Individuals new to yoga
  • Those new to an Iyengar practice
  • Anyone wishing to revisit basic yoga practices

The Benefits

  • We build week by week the learning of key poses in Iyengar yoga
  • You will gain immediate benefits in the body structure and functional performance of all systems of the being.
  • Builds confidence in your practice before attending general classes.
  • Individual attention when needed.
  • Learn more about the human body and the articulation of breath.
  • Practice with the same group of students (beginners like you) during the whole course.