Beginners Series -I have been teaching Iyengar Yoga to beginners for over a decade, introducing this amazing practice to hundreds of people. My courses are unique in the Forest of Dean and are beneficial to everyone, all can benefit from the depth and refinement of the Iyengar practice of yogasana (physical posture).

The courses – Basic Beginners Level I & 2, followed by Intermediate Beginners run  term time providing a structured introduction to the Iyengar method ensuring you establish a solid foundation in your practice to reap the true benefits of yoga.

Autumn dates will land soon.

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Pranayama – The Yoga of Breath

Four Module course

February 22nd & 23rd, 29th & March 1st 2024


If you’ve been wanting to learn a little more about Breath work or expand your regular yoga practice to include pranayama…this is for you.

Expect clear guidance in :
How to use different breath techniques
Sensitivity & body-mind awareness required for deep Breathwork practice
The art of sitting for prānāyāma

Techniques you’ll practice:
Rhythmic breathing (Ujjāyī)
Breath retention (Viloma & kumbhaka)
Digital prānāyāma
Cleansing breath (Kapālabhāti)
Withdrawal of the senses

Book here


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